Saturday, July 2, 2011
DPD Cravings Luxury House

Jakarta - House of Representatives Council (DPD) in fact already have a secretariat office in every province. In Papua, for example, an existing two-storey Council office. In North Sulawesi, there are three-storey Council secretariat and the extensive building in West Kalimantan. The third building was arguably very reasonable and their location in the heart of the strategy for the city.
These buildings are oxtail request the Secretary General of the DPD period 2004-2009 to the entire head area of the province. Once received the blessing of the interior minister at that time, a number of regional heads finally agreed to give local government-owned buildings to be sekreriat DPP in each province.
But in its development, a number of DPD members then fight for the role of DPD in order to be included in the Law on Discipline of the House.
"In the DPD Tatib Act then states there is need for the secretariat of the DPD in each region, namely in 33 provinces," said Chairman of the Concerned Citizens Forum Indonesian Parliament (Formappi) Sebastian Salang told AFP.
Unfortunately, the rule was apparently used by a number of DPD members for the period 2009-2014 proposed budget for the construction of the secretariat of DPD in 33 provinces.
According to the Secretary General Siti Nurbaya DPD, in Law No. 27 of 2009, one of the contents of government mandates to construct the building as supporting the DPD's performance in each province. "The procurement process mandated by the law building to the government for 2 years," said Siti.
But according to Sebastian, the reason it's just a trick only. Therefore, further Sebastian, in Law No. 27 Year 2009 on the MPR / DPR, DPD and DPRD, there are no special rules to construct a new building. Moreover, with the condition that luxury.
"In the Law it is only mentioned the DPD needs to have a secretariat office in each region to support its work. But almost all local governments have set up since the period 2004-2009. So what else build a new building. Because the DPD secretariat in the area when This is still very viable, "Sebastian regret.
Surprisingly, the cost of building pembagunan DPD in each province that would suck up the budget of Rp 832 billion. Assuming each of the buildings to cost Rp 25 billion and Rp 30 billion. The planned land area for each building area of more than 6,000 square meters. And the cost of building construction per square meter is pegged USD 10 million.
Actually, not all senators agreed with the plan of building the DPD. Presumably there are some members of the DPD try looking for a profit in this project. The existence of a business interest in building the DPD is arise because the value of the project is very large, reaching Rp 832 billion alias approaching $ 1 trillion. "This is definitely something to try looking for a profit," thought Sebastian.
But about the existence of parties that make a profit in building construction projects DPD DPD Siti Nurbaya Secretary denied. "Please be monitored and checked. What is clear at this time we do not make a tender for implementation of the DPD building," said Siti told AFP.
She said, the current budget has allocated only about Rp 300 billion. For that reason, the construction of a new Council for this year planned for the 10 provinces only. Everything outside of Java. While for the most recent development of Jakarta because of difficulty finding land.
Although Siti said the project was not anything alias is not already running, the procurement process for construction consultants are already reaping the spotlight because of awkward.
Secretary General of Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (Fitra) Yuna Farhan notice any irregularities since the planning stages of building the DPD. For example by the use of construction management services provider.
According to Farhan, the Minister of Public Works under Regulation No 45 of 2007, concerning the technical guidelines for state building construction, construction management services could be involved if the construction project on the fourth floor. In addition, the project also involves more than one consultant or contractor planner.
Use of construction management is also not appropriate because the design of buildings DPD in each province is different. "DPD secretary-general should simply use the services of construction supervisor for cheaper," explains Farhan.
To illustrate, the cost of construction management services for construction cost $ 500 billion the amount of 1.89%. Meanwhile, when using the services of construction supervisors magnitude 1.5% of the cost of physical construction. In other words, by using the services of construction supervisors will be cheaper 0.38% of the cost of physical construction.
Besides Questioning the existence of waste, Fitra also deplore the tender process of construction management that is considered violating the rules. Should the tender for construction management in advance than the tender of the consultant planner or contractor. Happens, the auction for construction management services contractor in conjunction with the auction.
Another extravagance, the announcement of the prequalification documents a general selection 11/PPBJREN-MK No. / 110-GO/2010, dated August 3, 2010, are known to limit the total estimated construction management consultant cost Rp 18 billion. This figure is much higher than the ceiling of the budget for construction planning consultants, which cost Rp 12.8 billion.
"We do not have a record of who the management of construction. Bujeting But from the budget for construction management services are very expensive at $ 18 billion. It appears there was the potential waste of budget," said Farhan.
Vice Chairman of the DPD Laode Ida contacted by AFP said, if it is considered wasteful, he does not mind the new office DPD minimized.
"The design of the new office is still not final DPD can be changed. Does size still exist that could be diminished or eliminated. It's all still up for discussion," said Laode.
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